Case Study: Securing Bank Loans and Lines of Credit Helps Company Grow to Multimillion-Dollar Business

Case Study: Securing Bank Loans and Lines of Credit Helps Company Grow to Multimillion-Dollar Business


Home furnishings company


The new company was growing more quickly than their cash flow allowed, so they were interested in obtaining additional bank loans and/or lines of credit to facilitate their growth.


Fineman West worked closely with the client from the outset, meeting frequently to go through financials and cash flow. We took a comprehensive approach to demonstrate that the client was a strong borrower by developing a detailed cash flow projection that clearly displayed their cash needs, as well as doing the research to identify what inventory levels they should be at; managing their tax liabilities; analyzing gross profit and more. This enabled the company to present to the banks a clear picture of where they had been, where they were and where they would be positioned to go with improved cash flow.    


We were successful in helping the client obtain the necessary financing to help them grow to a $35 million company in just a few years. Ready to transform your business? Contact us today at (213) 688-9898 or