Case Study: Obtaining a Substantial Loan Enables Company to Expand Operations

Case Study: Obtaining a Substantial Loan Enables Company to Expand Operations


A company looking to automate its production plant.


Our client wanted to buy a building to expand their operations, but their financial statements didn’t demonstrate to the banks that they should qualify for a substantial loan.


Fineman West regularly handles clients’ financial forecasts and understands that with proper planning and realistic projections, companies can be in a position to obtain loans that will catapult their business forward. Our team put together five years of projections to show how the client could pay for the building and equipment. We ensured the information was easy to understand and made a strong case so that the banks would consider the loan.


We see the potential in our clients, and go beyond the numbers to help them get to where they want to go. The client obtained the loan and was able to move forward with their business plan. Ready to transform your business? Contact us today at (213) 688-9898 or